Greater Palestine

Right of Return

For the millions of Palestinians in refugee camps and exiles living abroad in the Gulf, in Europe, in Asia, and in North America, the Right of Return will offer them homes in or near their ancestral lands in Israel proper.

250,000 of those Palestinian refugees will be chosen to exercise the right of return to land in Israel.

For all the rest, this Right will allow them to join in the building of new villages, towns, and cities of a Greater Palestine, with double the land area of the West Bank and Gaza.

Once a permanent peace has arrived, Palestinians could buy land throughout Greater Palestine and in Israel.

Reciprocally, Israelis will be allowed to buy land in Greater Palestine - with the expectation that their presence will strengthen the social and economic infrastructure from factories to hospitals.

Copyright © 2002-2006 Filastin Akbar - Greater Palestine Organization
Cambridge, MA 02138     
All material here may be freely used by anyone advancing the cause of Greater Palestine.